
Download free wasteland 2 game
Download free wasteland 2 game

The game is set in a futuristic, post-apocalyptic America that was destroyed by nuclear holocaust generations before. Wasteland is a science fiction role-playing video game developed by Interplay Productions and first published by Electronic Arts for the Commodore 64, Apple II, and PC DOS in 1988. Andre, Brian Fargo, Alan Pavlish, Michael A. Unfortunately, this game is cur­rent­ly available only in this ver­si­on. If you think that the game in your brow­ser does not behave as it should, try to choose a­no­ther online e­mu­la­tor from this table. For full­screen press 'Right Alt' + 'En­ter'. Game is con­trol­led by the same keys that are used to playing un­der MS DOS.

Download free wasteland 2 game