
Free cd burning software like roxio
Free cd burning software like roxio

free cd burning software like roxio

According to the developer’s privacy policy, your information isn’t shared with a third-party vendor. Although this application doesn’t require a subscription or purchase, you need to enter a valid email address to get the registration key. 1024x768 DirectX 9.When you download the disc burner on a Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC, you need to follow a straightforward installation process.For video or photo editing, conversion, and playback: Intel Pentium 4 2GHz processor or AMD equivalent and 2GB RAM.For data burning and copy, audio capture, and editing: Intel® 1.6GHz Pentium 4 Processor or AMD equivalent, 1GB RAM.Multi-core processors highly recommended.Microsoft Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 SP1.Technical Details and System Requirements Combine multiple videos on one disc and playback on your home DVD player.

free cd burning software like roxio

  • Choose from 20 themed menu templates and personalize them with a custom background image and music.
  • Add customizable DVD menus and chapters to your videos.
  • Turn your videos into professional-looking discs with Roxio MyDVD.
  • Automatically add artist metadata and album artwork with built-in Gracenote® technology.
  • Edit audio and song information and create custom music CDs.
  • Copy* and convert audio to your preferred format and playback on your PC, smartphone, or favorite device.
  • Back up or archive your files across multiple discs.
  • Create data, audio, photo, or video discs with ease.
  • Drag and drop directly from your desktop and easily copy* or burn CDs and DVDs.
  • free cd burning software like roxio

    Create or burn a DVD from an ISO image file.It will automatically add artist metadata and album artwork with built-in Gracenote technology. It can copy and convert audio to your preferred format and playback it on your PC, smartphone, or favorite device. It combines multiple videos on one disc and playback on your home DVD player. You can choose from 20 themed menu templates and personalize them with a custom background image and music. If your computer can read it, this software can burn it. Just drag and drop invaluable music, photos, and video files from your desktop to the disc. Peace of mind comes from knowing where your irreplaceable data resides. This is a fully-featured tool for all your CD and DVD-burning needs. It is a fully-featured tool for CD & DVD burning. Free Download Roxio Easy CD & DVD Burning full version standalone offline installer for Windows.

    Free cd burning software like roxio